Alex Meade Bikeworks

Alex Meade Bikeworks

Custom Bicycles and Frame Sets

touring & randonneuring


So what, exactly, is a randonneuring bike? It depends on who you ask, but any quality bicycle can be a randonneuring bike. Randonneurs aren’t a homogeneous group of cyclists. Some like to go fast, carrying an absolute minimum of gear on traditional road racing bikes or even fixed gear bikes. Others prefer to be prepared for any conditions with the proper equipment, and they might ride a bike with panniers loaded for all possibilities, with steering geometry tailored for proper handling while loaded. Still others look for as smooth a ride as possible, opting for wider tires than even a traditional touring bike. All will agree on a few things, one being a need for comfort. For this reason, most randonneuring bikes are made with steel frames. Regardless of your desires, I can make the bike you need. The beauty of custom work is the ability to create exactly what you want in your next bike. Browse the photos below for examples of bikes built specifically for randonneuring and touring.